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 Episode 2 - Embracing Age and Wisdom: Quotes Across Locations | Downtown Dunedin Episode 2

Episode 2 - Embracing Age and Wisdom: Quotes Across Locations | Downtown Dunedin

· 07:39

Welcome to Episode 2 of Quotes Across Locations with Curtis Campogni! Join me in the serene setting of Downtown Dunedin as we explore the beauty and wisdom of growing older.

In this episode, I share my reflections on age and wisdom while taking in the tranquil waterfront views. I delve into some thought-provoking quotes about aging and discuss their relevance in our lives. From embracing the privilege of growing older to maintaining a youthful spirit, these quotes remind us to appreciate every moment and continue evolving.

  • A scenic run in Downtown Dunedin that inspired this episode.
  • Quotes that inspire a positive perspective on aging.
  • Personal reflections on turning 40 and the lessons learned.
  • The importance of maintaining a sense of humor and joy in life.
  • Encouragement to seek new experiences and continue learning.
Featured Quotes:
  1. "Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to so many."
  2. "Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional." - Walt Disney
  3. "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." - Mark Twain
  4. "You don't stop laughing when you grow old, but you grow old when you stop laughing."
Join me as we celebrate the journey of aging and the wisdom it brings. Don't forget to subscribe, like, and comment. Follow me on social media at @speak4MC for more inspiring content.
Stay tuned for Episode 3, where we’ll explore another beautiful location and dive into more meaningful quotes. Until then, keep learning, growing, and finding joy in every day!


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